
Registrations are closed


On the right-hand side, you’ll find important information about the dates and times of assembly and disassembly.

Add all the items needed for your stand to the shopping cart. We will send you an invoice shortly. 

Invoice payment is to be considered confirmation of requested services. Please bear this in mind as confirmation is needed for your order to be ready on assembly day. 

We require some time to arrange the additional services, so we would be grateful if you could return these forms by Tuesday, October th 1st, at the latest.

Orders after the indicated date increase their cost by 25% due to the technical difficulties that this entails.


-Set up by exhibitors who have hired a stand from the Conference Centre: Wednesday, October 16th, from 14.00 to 20.00h. Thursday 17th from 8.00 to 12.00 for final decorations.
- Set up by exhibitors who bring their own stand builder Wednesday, Octoberber 16th, from 8.00 to 20.00h. Thursday 17th from 8.00 to 12.00 for final decorations. If your stand is located on a slope, setting up starts at 9.30.

​All merchandise, packaging, etc. must be removed from access walkways by 20.00h Wednesday, October 16th, so that they can be cleaned.

Decorations and finishing touches to your stand are permitted only within the stand itself.


For all exhibitors: on Saturday, October 19th from 14.00 to 20.00h.
​It is not permitted to dismantle any stand until the specified time, or while there are attendees inside the auditoriums or rooms.